Vol.73, No.12 December 2011
Explaination of the cover photographs
Decreace in Podocin, CD-2-Associated Protain (CD2AP) and Tensin2 May Be Involed in Albuminuria during Septic Acture RentalFailure
Takashi KATO et al. (pp 1579-1584)
Immune fluorescence images of podocyte-associated proteins at 36 h after injection of saline (A-D), or LPS (E-H) (x380). (A, E) CD2AP, (B, F) F-actin, (C, G) Synaptopodin (SynaPD) and (D, H) tensin2. Red signal: Alexa-546 for CD2AP, F-actin and tensin2. Green signal: Alexa 488 for SynaPD.
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