About Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
The history of JVMS can be traced back to the publication of Dainipponjuikaishi in 1885 when “the Dainippon Jui Kai, 大日本獸医會” was established in Japan. It was the first Japanese society for veterinary science. Then the society was reorganized as the Japanese Society for Veterinary Sciences in 1939. Along with this reorganization, the journal started its new history. Although the title has changed slightly a few times, the volume number has been continuous since 1939. JVMS is 73 years old in 2011 and so the volume number is also 73.
JVMS is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes a variety of papers on veterinary science from basic research to applied science and clinical research. JVMS is published monthly and consists of twelve issues per year. Papers are from the areas of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, immunology, microbiology, virology, parasitology, internal medicine, surgery, clinical pathology, theriogenology, avian disease, public health, ethology, and laboratory animal science. Although JVMS has played a role in publishing the scientific achievements of Japanese researchers and clinicians for many years, it now also accepts papers submitted from all over the world.
Open access
JVMS is an open access journal. All papers can be read by anyone immediately after their acceptance on J-Stage (http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jvms). Once a paper is accepted, it is published as an advanced publication and it is simultaneously cited by PubMed.