Vol.78, No.5 May 2016
Explanation of the cover photographs
Expression of phospholipase A2 receptor in primary cultured podocytes derived from dog kidneys
Go SUGAHARA, et al. (pp.895–899)
Expression of phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) and podocyte markers in primary cultured canine podocytes. Immunofluorescence for podocyte-specific proteins (synaptopodin, podocin and nephrin) (A) and PLA2R (B), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for podocyte-specific markers (NPHS2, SYNPO and NPHS1), PLA2R1 and GAPDH (C) and Western blotting for PLA2R protein (D) in canine primary cultured podocytes. Mouse IgG: negative control. Arrowheads: expression on marginal region. Asterisk: Isolated glomerulus. Bar=25 µm.
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