Vol.79, No.2 February 2017
Explanation of the cover photograph
Effects of postural change on transesophageal echocardiography views and parameters in healthy dogs
Seijirow GOYA et al. (pp. 380-386)
Longitudinal cranial-esophageal aorta long-axis-view was obtained from transesophageal echocardiography. The sample volume was set at 2 mm and was located in the center of the ascending aorta between PA and Rau. LVPEP was the duration from Q of ECG to left ventricular ejection onset. LVET was duration of the blood flow from the left ventricular. PA: pulmonary artery; Rau: right auricle; LVPEP: left ventricular pre-ejection period; LVET: left ventricular ejection time.
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